Silkbank Phone Banking
You can contact our Silkbank Phone Banking 24-hours a day at 021-111-100-777. If you are calling from outside Pakistan, please dial +92-21-35205565
Silkbank Complaint Management Unit
You can write to us at: Complaint Management Unit, Silkbank Limited 2nd Floor, Hussain Center Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi
For any enquiries, suggestions and complaints, please click here furthermore please follow below Important Guidelines while logging complaint.
Recommended Browsers: It is highly recommended to use Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (some option will not work) in Internet explorer.
Please do not use “special characters ie. ( “^ % ; - , < ‘=+ “ @ ! # $ * ) while you are updating notes in
Silkbank Head Office
Silkbank Limited, Ground Floor, No. 13, Com 3 Mall, Block 6 KDA Scheme #5, Clifton, Karachi,
UAN: 021-111-00-7455
Silkbank E-mail and Dropboxes
You may share your comments with us by e-mailing at or placing notes in the dropboxes in the branches and ATM vestibules.
State Bank of Pakistan- SBP SUNWAI
In order to resolve customer complaints, SBP has developed a Portal and Mobile App namely ‘SUNWAI- a customer complaint management service’ with an aim to facilitate customers in the lodgment of their complaints with the Banks/DFIs/MFBs.
SUNWAI can be retrieved at
A tutorial on complaint registration is available at
Contact No: +92 (21) 111-727-273